




如果你通过了,请举起旗子-print-config-stderr-log-config-reverse-order(或-print-config-stderr = truePromtail将转储它从内置默认值中创建的整个配置对象,首先结合从配置文件的覆盖,然后通过覆盖从标志。




-print-config-stderr当直接运行Promtail时是很好的。。/ promtail因为您可以快速输出整个Promtail配置。






您可以在配置文件中使用环境变量引用来设置需要在部署期间进行配置的值。要这样做,请通过-config.expand-env = true和使用:

$ {VAR}




$ {VAR: default_value}


请注意:expand-env = true配置将首先运行envsubst将双斜杠替换为单斜杠。正因为如此,每一个斜杠的使用需要用双斜杠代替\ \


  • 布尔> <:可以取值的布尔值真正的
  • < int >:匹配正则表达式的任意整数(1 - 9) + [0 - 9] *
  • <时间>:匹配正则表达式的持续时间[0 - 9] +(女士| [smhdwy])
  • < labelname >:匹配正则表达式的字符串[[a-zA-Z_] - za - z0 - 9 _] *
  • < labelvalue >: Unicode字符串
  • <文件名>:相对于当前工作目录的有效路径或绝对路径。
  • 主机> <:由主机名或IP后跟可选端口号组成的有效字符串
  • <字符串>:字符串
  • <秘密>:表示秘密的字符串,如密码


配置服务器为Promtail。[server: ] #描述Promtail如何连接到Grafana Loki的多个实例#,并向每个实例发送日志。#警告:如果其中一个远程Loki服务器未能响应或响应#与任何错误,这将影响发送日志到任何#其他配置远程Loki服务器。发送是在单个线程上完成的!如果你想发送到多个远程Loki实例,通常建议并行运行多个Promtail客户端。clients: - [] #描述如何将读文件偏移保存到磁盘[positions: ] scrape_configs: - [] #为这个Promtail实例配置全局限制[limits_config: ] #配置如何监视尾部目标。[target_config: ] #配置额外的promtail配置。[options: ] #配置跟踪支持[tracing: ]



#关闭HTTP和GRPC服务器。[disable:  | default = false] #启用/debug/fgprof和/debug/pprof端点进行分析。[profiling_enabled:  | default = false] # HTTP服务器监听主机[http_listen_address: ] # HTTP服务器监听端口(0表示随机端口)[http_listen_port:  | default = 80] # gRPC服务器监听主机[grpc_listen_address: ] # gRPC服务器监听端口(0表示随机端口)[grpc_listen_port:  | default = 9095] #注册工具处理程序(/metrics等)[register_instrumentation: | default = true] # graceful shutdown Timeout [graceful_shutdown_timeout:  | default = 30s] # HTTP服务器读超时[http_server_read_timeout:  | default = 30s] # HTTP服务器写超时[http_server_write_timeout:  | default = 30s] # HTTP服务器空闲超时[http_server_idle_timeout:  | default = 120s] #可以接收的最大gRPC消息大小[grpc_server_max_recv_msg_size: | default = 4194304] #可以发送的最大gRPC消息大小[grpc_server_max_send_msg_size:  | default = 4194304] # gRPC调用并发流数量限制(0 =无限)[grpc_server_max_concurrent_streams:  | default = 100] #只记录给定级别或以上的消息。支持的值[debug, # info, warn, error] [log_level:  | default = "info"] #服务器所有API路由的基本路径(例如,/v1/)[http_path_prefix: ] #目标管理器检查Promtail准备就绪的标志,如果设置为false,检查将被忽略[health_check_target:  | default = true] #通过HTTP请求启用重新加载。[enable_runtime_reload:  | default = false]



Loki监听的URL,在Loki中表示为http_listen_address和# http_listen_port。如果Loki运行在微服务模式下,这是分发服务器的HTTP # URL。需要包括推送API的路径。#示例:http://example.com:3100/loki/api/v1/push url:  #与每个推送请求一起发送的自定义HTTP报头。注意Promtail本身设置的标题(例如X-Scope-OrgID)不能被覆盖。#示例:CF-Access-Client-Id: xxx [: …]#推送日志到Loki时默认使用的租户ID。如果省略或为空#,则假设Loki运行在单租户模式,并且没有发送X-Scope-OrgID报头#。[tenant_id: ] #发送批处理前的最大等待时间,即使# batch未满。[batchwait:  | default = 1s] #在向Loki发送#批处理之前,可累积的最大批处理大小(以字节为单位) [batchsize:  | default = 1048576] # If using basic auth, configures the username and password # sent. basic_auth: # The username to use for basic auth [username: ] # The password to use for basic auth [password: ] # The file containing the password for basic auth [password_file: ] # Optional OAuth 2.0 configuration # Cannot be used at the same time as basic_auth or authorization oauth2: # Client id and secret for oauth2 [client_id: ] [client_secret: ] # Read the client secret from a file # It is mutually exclusive with `client_secret` [client_secret_file: ] # Optional scopes for the token request scopes: [ -  ... ] # The URL to fetch the token from token_url:  # Optional parameters to append to the token URL endpoint_params: [ :  ... ] # Bearer token to send to the server. [bearer_token: ] # File containing bearer token to send to the server. [bearer_token_file: ] # HTTP proxy server to use to connect to the server. [proxy_url: ] # If connecting to a TLS server, configures how the TLS # authentication handshake will operate. tls_config: # The CA file to use to verify the server [ca_file: ] # The cert file to send to the server for client auth [cert_file: ] # The key file to send to the server for client auth [key_file: ] # Validates that the server name in the server's certificate # is this value. [server_name: ] # If true, ignores the server certificate being signed by an # unknown CA. [insecure_skip_verify:  | default = false] # Configures how to retry requests to Loki when a request # fails. # Default backoff schedule: # 0.5s, 1s, 2s, 4s, 8s, 16s, 32s, 64s, 128s, 256s(4.267m) # For a total time of 511.5s(8.5m) before logs are lost backoff_config: # Initial backoff time between retries [min_period:  | default = 500ms] # Maximum backoff time between retries [max_period:  | default = 5m] # Maximum number of retries to do [max_retries:  | default = 10] # Disable retries of batches that Loki responds to with a 429 status code (TooManyRequests). This reduces # impacts on batches from other tenants, which could end up being delayed or dropped due to exponential backoff. [drop_rate_limited_batches:  | default = false] # Static labels to add to all logs being sent to Loki. # Use map like {"foo": "bar"} to add a label foo with # value bar. # These can also be specified from command line: # -client.external-labels=k1=v1,k2=v2 # (or --client.external-labels depending on your OS) # labels supplied by the command line are applied # to all clients configured in the `clients` section. # NOTE: values defined in the config file will replace values # defined on the command line for a given client if the # label keys are the same. external_labels: [ :  ... ] # Maximum time to wait for a server to respond to a request [timeout:  | default = 10s]



#位置文件[filename:  | default = "/var/log/positions. "yaml"] #多久更新一次位置文件[sync_period:  | default = 10s] #是否忽略和稍后覆盖位置文件损坏[ignore_invalid_yaml:  | default = false]



#在Promtail UI中标识此刮取配置的名称。job_name:  #描述如何从目标器转换日志。[pipeline_stages: ] #描述如何从日志中抓取日志。[journal: ] #描述应从哪一种编码转换抓取文件。[encoding: ] #描述如何接收syslog日志。[syslog: ] #描述如何通过Loki推送API接收日志(例如从其他Promtails或Docker日志驱动)[loki_push_api: ] #描述如何从Windows事件日志中抓取日志。[windows_events: ] #提取/接收谷歌GCP日志的配置。[gcplog: ] #描述如何通过消费者组从Kafka获取日志。[kafka: ] #描述如何从elf客户端接收日志。[gelf: ] #从Cloudflare中提取日志的配置。 [cloudflare: ] # Configuration describing how to pull logs from a Heroku LogPlex drain. [heroku_drain: ] # Describes how to relabel targets to determine if they should # be processed. relabel_configs: - [] # Static targets to scrape. static_configs: - [] # Files containing targets to scrape. file_sd_configs: - [] # Describes how to discover Kubernetes services running on the # same host. kubernetes_sd_configs: - [] # Describes how to use the Consul Catalog API to discover services registered with the # consul cluster. consul_sd_configs: [ -  ... ] # Describes how to use the Consul Agent API to discover services registered with the consul agent # running on the same host as Promtail. consulagent_sd_configs: [ -  ... ] # Describes how to use the Docker daemon API to discover containers running on # the same host as Promtail. docker_sd_configs: [ -  ... ]




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